Mystery in
South Mississippi
Location: South
MississippiDate: December 2002 -
January 2003 - present
Ongoing investigation by Jay Michael
I'm going to give this report in story
form because it's easier for me to tell it all and try
not to leave out any details. Here goes...
Around the first of December 2002 My
friend Patrick mentioned to me at a party at my house
that he had found some "dead deer" at a
location where he works. Pat is a XXXXXX and often
travels to XXXX to work on the XXXX.. He said the deer
looked like they had been "ripped apart" by
something. Being curious I asked him when he goes back if
he would take his digital camera and take some pictures
because I wanted to see it.
About four days later I got an email
from him and attached were some pictures. (See below,
first three) The deer did look "ripped up", so
I forwarded the pix to Bigfoothunter for his opinion.
Bobby (Bigfoothunter) wrote back that
he was amazed at the photos too and as a deer hunter he
couldn't come up with a plausible explanation for the
condition of the deer. He suggested I go down there and
look around, and I agreed to take a video camera and
video the area in case there were footprints or such. I
also took my digital still camera. (see photos below Dig
Pix 1-9)
A few days later Pat & I went to
the location and I video taped the deer. I was amazed to
find these bodies that appeared to be ripped in half.
Their insides seemed intact. In fact I found a stomach
some feet away and on another deer where it 's stomach
was open and I could see the contents.
While there and videotaping I started
looking around and investigating the area for any sign of
what may have done this and / or if BF sign was present.
I started to find several trees that
were twisted and broken over. Some were the cause of
weather but some didn't appear to be a result of either
trees falling on them, weather or disease.
As I walked along taping the various
trees and such and looking for prints I came across
another area where some cattle had been either killed or
brought there. There were several bones and a couple of
skulls. Rib cages, backbones and thigh bones littered the
area. This was at an entrance to a trail into the woods.
As I made my way around I found a
couple more trails into the woods and at each entrance
were bones.
I ventured down a trail and found some
stick formations that could have been natural but didn't
seem so. Limbs positioned in saplings and crossed sticks
and twigs. I even had a moment where I felt that I heard
something walking but discounted it as just the wind. It
was just a momentary feeling of being watched and I
scrugged it off and went on. I mention it only because
the area does give you the creeps and Pat had mentioned
that he too felt "creepy" when he is down
This was defianantly a mystery. We
stayed till after dark to listen for any calls or sounds
but heard nothing. A few days later I went back and found
the deer were now scattered around some. Originally two
deer had been stacked on top of each other and their head
& necks were crossed in an X pattern. This trip they
were separated and I assumed small scavengers might have
tugged at the bodies and scattered them about. Again I
looked around and re-examined some of the tree breaks in
the area. I have always been skeptical of tree breaks
because so much is blamed on Bigfoot when no one has ever
seen bigfoot make tree breaks. But they do appear in
reports so I look at them anyway. In most cases I can now
tell weather damage, disease and other conditions that
may cause these breaks. And most of what I found appeared
to me to be just weather and disease damage. But a few
were not so easily discounted.
A few days later I had some time so I
drove back to the area. Nothing much was changed but one
curious thing. The two deer that had been scattered were
now back, stacked on top of each other with their heads
in the X pattern. I made a mental note of this and looked
around again for prints. I found nothing.
A week or so later I went back again
and the deer were again separated. This time not far but
a foot or two apart. Again I looked around and went back
down to see the dead cattle area, nothing there was
A couple of days ago I took yet another
trip back down to the area. Guess what, the deer were
back in their X pattern again. By this time the bodies
were decaying badly. Insects mostly were devouring them.
Some whole pieces were gone but for the most part they
appeared to be intact, which makes me wonder that maybe
vultures or other animals may not be feasting on them as
I would assume. But I do not know.
I am keeping an eye on this area and
I'll let you all know of any findings. So far, it's a
mystery and I can't say "Bigfoot did it." But
here is an area with tree breaks, dead deer and
formations. Cattle bones and stick formations. It's
enough to keep an eye on and keep an ongoing
The area itself is sparse.
Houses are miles apart and it's mostly woods. There are
farms nearby as well as a heavily traveled highway. No
Interstates or large cities, just small rural towns and
communities separated by miles of forest. The area where
the Deer carcasses are is about 5 miles from the Leaf
River and 2 miles from a creek. If there are Bigfoot in
the area they picked a good spot.
Some subsequent
When I went back with the video camera and my digital
still camera I found some holes in the deer. My first
thought was that these may be bullet holes. Upon
investigation, and with the help of Rick Vereen I now
believe these holes are not bullet holes. The holes do
not appear in the deer in the Pat photos taken earlier,
Pat has also assured me that when he found the deer they
had no obvious bullet holes. Also if you look at the
holes, you will see where the tissue is dark, indicating
that these holes were made after the deer were dead.
There is no blood around the holes. In fact, the bodies
are almost devoid of blood. If these animals had been
shot one would expect the bodies to be drenched in blood.
They are clean. Nor is there much blood around them. I
suspect these animals were killed elsewhere and brought
here and stacked in this unusual pattern. Whatever
brought them here is returning to make sure they stay
stacked also.
During my investigation of these animal kills I also
became aware that in every instance either Pat or myself
have been back to this location we have never disturbed
vultures or other animals from feeding on these kills.
One would expect to have vultures descending on these
animals until nothing is left, yet they appear to have
been disturbed very little by scavengers. I have to
assume they get scattered by scavengers and are then put
back in the x pattern by whatever is responsible for
their demise, but I have no proof of the existence of
scavengers or a returning Bigfoot.
In fact, I am not even sure if a Bigfoot is responsible
for this, only that it is a mystery and I continue to
watch the area. I do suspect Bigfoot activity
There are tree breaks and twists in the area.
There are also dead cattle in the area, a large
animal that would be difficult if not impossible for any
known animal to drag or bring to this spot and deposit
The deer appear to be left alone by scavengers, at
least for the most part.
There are twig and limb formations in the area.
The deer are ripped in half, not chopped or cut.
it would take a powerful animal to rip a deer in half.
Bones appear to be left like markers at trail
Myself and Pat have both experienced an unusual
creepy "feeling" in the area, though not
scientific or explainable I at least accept it could be a
NOTE: These
Photos are Graphic in nature, Not for the squimish!

This is a shot of the deer, you
can see how they are ripped in half. There are
three front halves and one back half in this
photo. This photo is one of three that Pat took
when I sent him back to take photos. |

This is Photo 2 from Pat. This
shows the fawn further back and a closer look at
the "stacked" deer. |

This is Photo 3 from Pat, it shows
another deer a few feet away. This one is a back
and rib cage. This deer dissappeared from the
scene before I got there with my equipment... |

When I went back to the site with
Pat I took my camcorder and digital cam. This is
photo 1 from the digital cam. This series of
photos were taken 5 days after the above
"Pat" photos. Note the hole in the
deer. This is not a bullet hole, tissue around
the hole indicates it was made after the deer was
dead, and these holes do not appear in Pats
photos, so they were made after his pix were
taken. |

Dig Pix 2: Note the cross pattern
the deer are in, in upper left. The heads are
crossed across the neck. In subsequent returns
when scavengers(?) had moved the bodies I would
find these deer stacked back in this cross
pattern. Note the "hole" in side of
lower right deer, again, this is not a bullet
hole. Either the deer had been poked with a stick
after "pats" photos or worms burried
into the flesh here. |

Dig Pix 3: The deer neck cross
pattern. You can see the contents of the stomach
of this deer here. |

Dig Pix 4: The fawn. You can see
the hole poked in the side of this deer. Also
it's stomach is placed on ground in the lower
left, not dragged out of the carcus as one might
expect by scavengers. |

Dig Pix 5: This is the front half
of a deer that had been moved away from the
stack, in Pats photos it was closer. Also the
right leg appears to be broken at the shoulder
joint and is only held on by flesh. |

Dig Pix 6: This is a stomach from
one of the deer. Note it isn't ruptured but has
been gently placed here in the grass. It was
several feet away from the stack. |

Dig Pix 7: Another shot of the
deer. We found no footprints near the deer. The
ground was moist from rain but hard. |

Dig Pix 8: This is a tree bend. I
doubt this is BF related. I think it's weather
related. |

Dig Pix 9: Tree break and twist.
This is one of several twist/breaks I found. Some
were caused by weather or other falling trees but
I believe this one and perhaps a few more were
not made by any natural cause. |

From video tape: Puncture hole on deer. |

Broken leg & hole in front of deer. |

Close up of the head of one of the deer. |

Notice how the spine is broken off. |

Typical tree break with a slight twist. |

Twisted and to one side. |

Difficult to see in this photo but... there are
several limbs layed into a X formation with limbs
crossing. |

Typical diseased tree, break is caused by the
fungus weakening the tree. |

This limb had been twisted around and shreaded. |

Tree break whereby the limb broke off and was
layed back into the break. |

Bent and broken. Possible weather damage. |

Dig Pix # 9 different angle

This is iffy, something had been peeling back the
bark for bugs. |

Remains of dead cow found near deer. (about 100+
yards away) |

Head of another cow. Appears old as fungus is
growing on it. |

Closer shot of above. |

More cow bones. |

Here is another stick formation, saplings coming
from left... |

... are bent and intertwined into the above
formation... |

...this parallel marker is underneath and
pointing toward it. |

Broken limb several feet off the ground. |

Another unusual formation. There are two saplings
side-by-side, the limbs are stacked inbetween. |

Limb shaved smooth of bark. Dunno about this. |

Another break.... |

Deer stand found back in the woods near clearing.
Attempting to locate owner. |

Personally this is a long shot but may be a
possible print. I wear a size 12 shoe. One of two
about six feet apart. Untill I see more or better
than this I'm keeping this as unknown. |
I continue to
investigate the above location. At this point I
have very little to tie the above material into a
Bigfoot situation. So, I'm leaving my skepticals
on and looking to see if I can find some good
prints or record some sounds from the area. Any
new developments will be found here and reported
to the GCBRO. This is suspected BF activity
untill more data can be accumilated. More... |